Cougar Cub Daycare, Inc is recognized by the IRS as a public charitable, non-profit organization exempt under IRC 501(c)(3).

We are a licensed group daycare home authorized to care for a maximum of 12 children. Daily capacity is determined according to the KDHE regulations based on adult/child ratios.

Cougar Cub Daycare is governed by a 6-person board of directors who oversee the management and policies of the organization and staff.
The annual board meeting of the Cougar Cub Daycare is held in September; regular board meetings are held bi-monthly.
Our Board of Directors
Teryn Carmichael - President
Lesley Marshall - Secretary
Jane Young - Treasurer
​Anita Burton
Blanca Rodriguez
Our Daycare Providers

All providers at our facility have completed a background check, health assessment, TB test, as well as other training and qualifications to ensure safe and knowledgeable care for children of all ages.
Our current daycare staff providers include: Elysia Bolio (Lead Director), Trish Delano and Nellie Hespe
We are very fortunate to have great providers who are compassionate and caring, and create a safe and fun environment for our little cubs.
Give us a call:
New infant swings added thanks to grant funding.
In 2016, Bird City Century II Development Foundation (BCCII) reached out to the community through surveys asking about the need for daycare. After voiced concerns of the lack thereof, and knowing that by not having this service has and will defer young couples and families from moving to Bird City, it was decided this was one priority the Foundation needed to focus on.
Options and locations were researched, and meetings were held between the Foundation board and Cheylin school board to establish the best plan to move forward. Knowing the school is a vital part of our community, BCCII saw many positives that could stem from this addition.
Construction of the new “Cougar Cub Daycare” facility broke ground on June 23, 2016. The facility includes a fenced in playground area and an unfinished basement which is available for emergency shelter while the daycare is open. It is located north of the Cheylin Elementary School and east of the Cheylin Wellness Center. This location was sought as a convenience for parents, and can be easily utilized for the Cheylin Preschool kids who attend half days at the elementary building.
The building is owned by BCCII; the daycare organization is governed by its own board of directors.
Cougar Cub Daycare, Inc officially opened mid-September 2016.